Eleanor B. Weiler and Mildred B. Frame Piano Scholarship
DESCRIPTION A maximum of $6,000 to support one or more scholarships for piano study in France (preferably Paris)
REQUIREMENTS Required Materials Checklist:
- Current resume
- Statement of Mu Phi Epsilon participation
- Two current letters of recommendation
- Most recent unofficial college transcript
- A detailed description of the proposed program of study (250-500 words)
- High-quality recording of 30-45 minutes of music, including a work written within the last twenty years and contrasting works from different stylistic periods to fulfill the time requirement. Submission must be via links to YouTube or other comparable sites provided to the online application system (YouTube preferred, no Dropbox). Recordings in the Scholarship Application process must not be older than two years from the date of application
- Provide a copy of the score to the contemporary work, if unpublished
- List of the recorded repertoire with the following information:
- Exact titles, opus numbers
- Composers’ names
- Timings
- A detailed budget
- $25 Application Fee
Please note that there will be no return of application fee for incomplete and disqualified applications.
AWARD AMOUNT Up to $6,000
Questions? For general inquiries about Mu Phi Epsilon grants and scholarships, please contact grants@mpefoundation.org. For questions about this particular award, please contact the appropriate scholarship chair. All applicants must be dues-paying members in good standing. If you cannot log in to access the application, please contact executiveoffice@muphiepsilon.org.